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2007年12月07日(金) Svindal bleibt vorerst in Vail
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Svindal bleibt vorerst in Vail
Fern der Heimat Norwegen muss der Gesamtweltcup-Sieger der Saison 2006/2007 Aksel Lund Svindal noch mindestens sieben weitere Tage im Krankenhaus von Vail ausharren. - Ski2b.com


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Hermann Maier gonnt sich Weltcup-Pause
Der Weltcup-Riesenslalom in Bad Kleinkirchheim am kommenden Samstag, dem 8. Dezember 2007 wird ohne Osterreichs Ski-Star Hermann Maier stattfinden. Der 34-Jahrige mochte sich nach den Rennen in Ubersee erst einmal regenerieren, bevor er zu einem weiteren Wettkampf antritt. - Ski2b.com


Aspen: Vonn wins first DH training run
After the first training run down the newly fashioned Aspen downhill track, there is one word which seems to best describe what's going to be needed to win here: patience. Unofficially, the fastest time of the day belonged to Lindsey Vonn. There was just a little matter of that last gate. I came in there hauling so much A-S-S, Vonn said. I came in on a left handed delay. I went on a tight line but there was a huge depression and I got like squashed, and was going with one ski in the air heading toward the timing shack. She pulled it off, she said, then added, but I did miss like the last gate. … But I think it was slower to go the way that I went. The results sheets show Vonn in first, 0.35 of a second ahead of Nicole Hosp and 0.37 ahead of Elena Fanchini. - SkiRacing.com


Vonn und Hosp Uberzeugen bei Chaos-Training
Das erste Training der Damen in Aspen (USA) am 5. Dezember verlief chaotisch. Die amerikanischen Gastgeber hatten einige Probleme mit der Veranstaltung, so mussten Athleten und Medien ohne Zeitnahme auskommen, auch die Videowall im Ziel blieb schwarz. Erst mit einiger Verspatung konnten die Damen auf die Piste gehen. Diese jedoch war gut prapariert und verspricht ein spannendes Weltcup-Rennen, wenn die prognostizierte Warmwetterfront mit Regenschauern, die am Donnerstag einsetzen sollen, den Damen nicht noch einen Strich durch die Rechnung macht. - Ski2b.com


Vonn fastest in training
Lindsey Vonn is fastest in training for Friday's World Cup downhill with a time of 1:34.07 on the Ruthie's Run. Vonn is 0.35 seconds ahead of Austria's Nicole Hosp with Italy's Elena Fanchini third fastest. - Eurosport.yahoo.com


Val d'Isere races move to St. Moritz
Despite heavy snows over the past few days, FIS officials were forced to move the women’s downhill and super G scheduled for Dec. 15-16 in Val d’Isere, France, to St. Moritz. - SkiRacing.com


Deneriaz confirms retirement
Olympic downhill champion Antoine Deneriaz announced his retirement Wednesday. ''I have decided to end my career,'' the 31-year-old Frenchman said at a news conference in Annecy, France. Deneriaz struggled with form and confidence ever since a crash at Are, Sweden, in March 2006, a month after winning the downhill at the 2006 Turin Olympics. Deneriaz lost his balance on one of the course's big jumps, hitting his head on the hard-packed ice and finally ending up in the safety netting. He suffered a concussion and hurt his neck but also sustained a bruise from his thigh to his hip. ''I've lost confidence and I prefer to quit of my own doing rather than finish in hospital,'' Deneriaz said, adding that the crash in Are made him ''aware of the risks'' he was taking. Last week, Deneriaz withdrew from races at Beaver Creek, Colorado, after finishing an embarrassing 83rd place in downhill training - more than 7 seconds behind leader Didier Cuche of Switzerland. In February 2006, Deneriaz won by .72 seconds for the largest margin of victory in an Olympic men's downhill in 42 years. The victory was even more unexpected because he had injured his left knee in training at Chamonix, France, 13 months before the Turin Games. - SkiRacing.com




Yanks, Giants reportedly talk Matsui
The Yankees may have left the Winter Meetings without pulling off a major trade, but they also departed discussing a potential deal that would involve Hideki Matsui. Sankei Sports reported on Thursday that the Giants have inquired about Matsui's availability, interested in upgrading their offense by adding the 33-year-old outfielder. - MLB.com


Bonds' arraignment set for Friday
The first step in the case now entitled USA v. Barry Bonds will be taken on Friday morning in courtroom No. 10 at the federal building in San Francisco. - MLB.com










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