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Is this Basic Test??→→→2010年03月20日(土)
I had an entrance exam at a certain school. They said this test was only to judge if applicants were on or over the minimum level of English to study tlanslation at the school. On their website, it was called "Basic Test." I totally trusted it but it was wrong...no, I was just far heaway from the level they required for new students. I mean, the test was very difficult for me.
Students who got the excellent score on the test will win scholarship. Their tuition will go down to almost half. I hoped to get scholarship before taking the test...What a fool am I !!
I don't know even I pass the test or not. I'm afraid to recieve the result which is gonna be mailed a week after.

During the test, I thought of several things.
Why did I enter TES after I came back to Japan? I must have known that I was not capable to master English.
Why am I here? and taking this test?? Do I really think my dream comes true?
Every thoughts was negative.

My TOEIC score is like a balloon. Nothing is inside. I got the score by techniques how to grab more points in your hand without true skills.


Only few elected people can go thier own life--shiny, gorgious and magnificent life.
I should have given up going after the dream ealier in my life.
Now I am sure I am going to die without achiving anything.


2005年03月20日(日) シムピな一日

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