CORKSCREW Diaries(米国編)


2006年06月01日(木) The comparison of the different electoral systems(51日目)

The comparison of the different electoral systems

The process of election for each country reflects its political situation through the comparison of the different electoral systems. The United States has a single-seat districting system. Switzerland has a proportional-representation system. Japan has a single-seat constituency system combining the proportional-representation system. China has a single-party regime system. Each country’s electoral system will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

The United States has a single-seat districting system. It is the first past the post system. Therefore, the major political party has a great advantage. In the States, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are representative political parties. One or the other assumes the reins of government. Consequently, the government is stable. However, someone can be elected gaining a few percent of the majority votes, the other votes seem to be lost. A huge and multiethnic country like the United States needs to constitute a stable and strong government to govern the country effectively.

A proportional-representation system, which was adopted in Switzerland, means that every vote counts equally in the overall outcome of the bodies of representatives in the system. Therefore, creating a close match between the percentage of votes that political parties receive and the number of seats within the Lower House, this system is able to reflect the minority opinion of the country. Multiethnic countries like Switzerland think a great deal of the minority opinion and have adopted the proportional-representation system. At times, there is the case that one party cannot assume the reins of government, so a fragile coalition government is sometimes launched.

Since 1994, the Japanese electoral system has moved from a multiple-seat constituency system into a single-seat constituency system combining the proportional representation of the Lower House. Japan aimed to create a more stable government. Introducing a new system made it possible to develop two governable political parties like the United States. On the other hand, the adoption of proportional representation also makes it possible to reflect the minority opinion. Now, two big parties, the Liberty Democracy Party and the Democracy Party, compete against each other. The aim of reform is being achieved.

A single-party regime system, which was adopted in China, means that the government is communist and exemplifies strong power over the whole country. Though the single-party regime cannot be democratic, the strong power is required to rule over numerous people. Consequently, it could be the most suitable method in China. Tracing the Chinese history, it is obvious that only the powerful centralized government could rule the country for a long period. Indeed, past Chinese dynasties, Tang, Ming, Qing, and the present People's Republic of China succeeded in ruling the country with strong power.

“Democracy” is the ideal political system. According to Abraham Lincoln, “As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master.” This expresses the idea of democracy.  In a democracy, people have a part in the government policy. In other words, people are responsible for their decisions. However, the ideal system is not always the best. Each country should have a suitable system. The powerful reins of government should govern a huge country efficiently. On the other hand, multiethnic countries are required to reflect minority opinions.


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