CORKSCREW Diaries(米国編)


2003年04月09日(水) Good bye,Thanks Rachael.

Today is the last Rachael's lesson.
She doesn't go back to her country soon.
But she move to other school.
I took her lesson as useal.
I could enjoy taking her lesson.
There are four students. The classroom was full today.
But I could enjoy.

"Learning English is a great fun",she tells me that.
If she moves to another school,
I do wanna contact with her.

Recently,there are many things that I have to think.
So, I don't feel good.
I wish I had enjoy her lessons more.
It's my regrets.

Thanks Rachael.
I really miss you.
But there are chances to meet you again.
The next time, I hope I can speak with more fluency!


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